What is AntrisPRO Reporting?

> AntrisPRO: Reporting

Accessed via TracDash, each Report can be set to your timeframe of choice, whether it’s a day, a week, or a few months.

AntrisPRO reporting includes statistics such as:
– The number of plans created on the web app vs. the mobile app
– The number of plans created, activated, and completed
– The number of emergencies and deactivations
– Total hours in the field
– Total mileage
– Average hours per trip plan
– Average mileage per plan

Antris takes its reporting one step further with Weekly and Monthly Reports sent to your organization’s administrators. These reports additionally include colour-coded maps of locations visited, a heat map of locations travelled, line graphs evaluating monthly plan fluctuation, and pie charts comparing plan activations per day of the week.

Here’s an example of what Antris Reporting can look like for your organization:

AntrisPro reporting

Weekly Reports

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